Buying Missouri Life Insurance


The state of Missouri is known for having more than the nationwide average in the top five main causes of death. Tornado Alley surrounds Missouri, and the state is also prone to flooding. All of these factors may relate to the rates for Missouri life insurance.

The chances of dying in a natural disaster may be quite slim compared to the chances of dying in an auto accident in Missouri.  Regardless to whether a person’s life is shortened tragically or if they live to an old age, having life insurance may be critical. (To learn more about accident life insurance, read the article “Accidental Life Insurance for Vacations.”)

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The most popular reason that people make the decision to obtain life insurance is so that they can insure against the financial hardship their loved ones would face were they to pass away. Generally speaking, people will get a Missouri life insurance policy that can help their beneficiaries pay for things like mortgage payments, medical expenses, other debts and expenses. Premium rates may differ from state to state,  but they more frequently differ depending on the individual circumstances which include:

  • The amount of coverage needed may determine the rates that individual pays.
  • The length of the policy and the type of policy may be major factors in what a policyholder pays.
  • Rates may differ depending on the individual’s health status.  If an individual suffers from diabetes, heart disease or cancer, they will generally pay higher rates than someone who is in good health.  The lifestyle choices that an individual makes can help play a role in determining policy rates.  People who are in dangerous professions such as, police officers, firemen, etc. may expect to pay higher rates.
  • People that frequent third world country travel and enjoy participation in risky activities (i.e. skydiving), as well as those with a history of DWI offenses may pay higher rates.

Although rate amounts may differ depending on an individual’s lifestyle and health; having a Missouri life insurance policy in place may help to ease worries in the event of an untimely death.

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"Did you know that since 2005 the percentage of U.S. adults without life insurance has nearly doubled?"*